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"Saga"  Sort by

Clash of the Gods: Beowulf

   2009    Culture
The story of the Viking world's most famous warrior, the legend of Beowulf is the ultimate tale of courage. Pit against thirsty invaders, barbaric monsters and a fire breathing dragon, Beowulf emerges as Norse mythology's greatest hero. But could this warrior have actually been real? Unearthed burial mounds and ancient carvings suggest the myth of Beowulf might have been more than epic legend.
Series: Clash of the Gods

Cosmos Carl Sagan: The Shores of the Cosmic Ocean

   1980    Science
Carl Sagan opens the program with a description of the cosmos and the Spaceship of the Imagination. The ship journeys through the universe's hundred billion galaxies, the Local Group, the Andromeda Galaxy, the Milky Way, the Orion Nebula, our Solar System, and finally the planet Earth. Eratosthenes' successful calculation of the circumference of Earth leads to a description of the ancient Library of Alexandria. Finally, the Ages of Science are described, before pulling back to the full span of the Cosmic Calendar.
Series: Cosmos

The Sun: God Star

   2021    Science
Professor Brian Cox journeys across the vastness of time and space revealing epic moments of sheer drama that changed the universe forever.
The series begins this epic exploration of the cosmos with a hymn to the great luminous bodies that bring light and warmth to the universe: the stars. It is estimated that there are two hundred trillion stars in the universe, each playing their part in an epic story of creation- a great saga that stretches from the dawn of time, with the arrival of the first star, through diverse generations until the arrival of our own star, the sun, and a civilization that has grown up in its light.
Series: Universe

Dawn Of Humanity

   2016    History
Located in an almost inaccessible chamber deep in a South African cave, the site required recruiting a special team of experts slender enough to wriggle down a vertical, pitch-dark, seven-inch-wide passage. Most fossil discoveries of human relatives consist of just a handful of bones. But down in this hidden chamber, the team uncovered an unprecedented trove—so far, over 1,500 bones—with the potential to rewrite the story of our origins". They may help fill in a crucial gap in the fossil record and tell us how Homo, the first member of the human family, emerged from ape-like ancestors like the famous Lucy. But how did hundreds of bones end up in the remote chamber? The experts are considering every mind-boggling possibility. Join us on the treacherous descent into this cave of spectacular and enigmatic finds, and discover their startling implications for the saga of what made us human.

The Man of a Trillion Worlds

   2020    History
A child lies on the rug of a tenement dreaming of interstellar adventures. At the dawn of the space age, a young Carl Sagan’s career is forged in the clash of his mentors, two scientific titans. Sagan goes on realize his childhood dreams, to carry their research forward and communicate its significance to the whole world.
Series: Cosmos: Possible Worlds

The Sacrifice of Cassini

   2020    Technology
The 8th episode reviews Giovanni Cassini's life. His observations of Saturn and its moons would have an enduring effect on the scientific world. Neil deGrasse Tyson also narrates the mysterious untold story of the scientist who figured out how to go the Moon while fighting for his life in a WWI trench. Aleksandr Shargei changed his name to Yuri Kondratyuk out of fear for his life and wrote a manuscript on rocket motion and space colonization. This letter would end up capturing the attention of an engineer working on the Apollo program, John Houbolt, and would made the Apollo Mission possible.
We will also know the saga of the twenty-year long odyssey of Cassini-Huygens spacecraft, a robotic explorer ordered to commit suicide on another world.
Series: Cosmos: Possible Worlds